- Atlas d’anatomie humaine – Visible Body
- BioMed Central | Part of Springer Nature
- Cambridge University Press (Journals)
- Catalogue et Index des Sites Médicaux de langue Française (CiSMEF)
- ClinicalKey
- Cochrane Library
- Compilatio
- Covid-19
- Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL)
- Dimensions
- Global Plants
- Google Scholar
- IMIST | Revues Scientifiques Marocaines
- Inserm | Grandes tueuses
- International Pharmacopoeia
- IRIS | Publications numériques de l’OMS
- Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS)
- Littérature Scientifique en Santé (LISSA)
- Medline Plus Anatomy Videos
- MeSH bilingue anglais – français (traduction des mots clés)
- npj Nature Partner Journals
- Oxford Medicine Online
- PLOS | Public Library of Science
- Pratique Infirmière
- PsycArticles
- Publications Ministère de la Santé
- PubMed Central (NLM)
- PubMed
- Red Book Online (on Pediatric infectious diseases)
- Research4Life/Hinari
- SAGE Publishing | Pure Gold Open Access Journals
- Scopus
- SpringerOpen open access books | Part of Springer Nature